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Les pistes de ce chant proviennent de l'enregistrement original.
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Couplet 1
From the beginning dayWe’ve run from You who called our nameLost and forsaken onesWe’ve sat here in our shame
Couplet 2
Rejecting the ones You loveWe’ve left the justice work undoneDesperate for changeWe await that day
When You will make all things newYou will make all things newSo we cry
Come Lord JesusCome and take away our fears our sadnessCome and fill us with Your light Your presenceThat the world may know Your name
Couplet 3
Hour after hourWe struggle withThe weight of selfish gainForgetting the battle has been won
Couplet 4
You’ve called us to life apartTo freedom for the hurt and scarredAnd now we are longingFor that day
You’re coming soonYou’re coming soonAnd all the earth will singAnd all the earth will shout Your glory
You’re coming soonYou’re coming soonAnd all the earth will singAnd all the earth will sing
Come Lord JesusCome rip open Heaven’s gates ariseLet your glory flood and fill the skiesThat eternity would reign
You're coming againYou would come againYou're coming soonYou're coming soon
And You will makeAll things new
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