Mais il aimerait être rempli. Remplissez-le avec des MultiTracks, des partitions, des abonnements et plus encore !
Les pistes de ce chant proviennent de l'enregistrement original.
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Couplet 1
All creatures of our God and KingLift up your voice and with us singO praise Him AlleluiaThou burning sun with golden beamThou silver moon with softer gleamO praise Him O praise HimAlleluia alleluia alleluia
Couplet 2
Thou rushing winds that art so strongYe clouds that sail in heav'n alongO praise Him AlleluiaThou rising moon in praise rejoiceYe lights of evening find a voiceO praise Him O praise HimAlleluia alleluia alleluia
In all the Earth for all to seeWe will praise the risen KingAnd forever we will sing alleluiaIn all the Earth for all to seeWe will praise the risen KingAnd forever we will sing alleluiaAnd forever we will sing alleluia
Couplet 3
Let all things their Creator blessAnd worship Him in humblenessO praise Him AlleluiaPraise praise the Father praise the SonAnd praise the Spirit three in oneO praise Him O praise HimAlleluia alleluia alleluia
Couplet 4
Let every tribe and tongue proclaimJesus the Son of God shall reignO praise Him AlleluiaGreat is the name above all namesFaithful to Him let us remainO praise Him O praise HimAlleluia alleluia alleluia
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En plus des mix pour chacune des partitions, vous pouvez écouter et apprendre à partir du chant original.
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