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1,000 Names de Passion

1,000 Names

Passion - Live From Rehearsals - EP

C1Couplet 1
R1Refrain 1
C2Couplet 2
R2Refrain 2
P1Pont 1
P2Pont 2
P3Pont 3
ReRefrain 3
R2Refrain 2
R1Refrain 1
Version originale

Mix créés à partir des enregistrements originaux. Disponibles en {0} tonalités incluant un Mix Plus et un Mix Moins pour chaque partition en plus du chant original.
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Sing 'em all back
Sing 'em all back to You

Couplet 1

I call You maker
You give life an eternal spark
I call You healer
You can mend any broken heart
I call You faithful father
Cause You finish
Everything You start
My soul was made
To respond
I respond

Refrain 1

I know You by a thousand names
And You deserve every single one
You've given me a million ways
To be amazed at what You've done
I am lost in wonder
At all You do
I know You by a thousand names
And I'll sing them back to You


You deserve the highest praise

Couplet 2

Your love is boundless
Beyond what I could dream
Your grace is patient
'Cause You're never giving up on me
I call You bondage breaker
You're handing out the prison keys
My soul was made
To be free be free be free

Refrain 2

I know You by a thousand names
And You deserve every single one
You've given me a million ways
To be amazed at what You've done
I am lost in wonder
At all You do
I know You by a thousand names
And I'll sing them back to You


Sing 'em all back
Sing 'em all back
Sing 'em all back
Sing 'em all back

Pont 1

You are Rock of ages
You're the Great I Am
You are King forever
The beginning and the end
You are Lord and servant
You're the Son of Man
You're the Lion of Judah
You're the risen Lamb

Pont 2

You're the second Adam
Here to lead us home
You are Yahweh's glory
Now revealed in flesh and bone
You are ocean parter
You will make a way
You are death defeater
You have risen from the grave

Pont 3

You are full of mercy
You are rich in love
You are Jesus Messiah
The one true God

Refrain 3

I know You by a thousand names
And You deserve every single one
You've given me a million ways
To be amazed at what You've done

Refrain 2

I know You by a thousand names
And You deserve every single one
You've given me a million ways
To be amazed at what You've done
I am lost in wonder
At all You do
I know You by a thousand names
And I'll sing them back to You


Sing 'em all back
Sing 'em all back
Sing 'em all back
Sing 'em all back


Sing 'em all back
Sing 'em all back
I'll sing 'em back to You

Refrain 1

I know You by a thousand names
And You deserve every single one
You've given me a million ways
To be amazed at what You've done
I am lost in wonder
At all You do
I know You by a thousand names
And I'll sing them back to You


Cause there's one name
Above all names
One name above all names Jesus
Your name above all names
I'll sing it back to You


Écoutez en streaming et découvrez plus de 30,000 chants venant directement des albums originaux.

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Chant original


Mix Plus

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