Mais il aimerait être rempli. Remplissez-le avec des MultiTracks, des partitions, des abonnements et plus encore !
Les pistes de ce chant proviennent de l'enregistrement original.
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Couplet 1
There's a storm that's comingI'll place my faith in YouYeah there’s a storm is comingI'll place my faith in You'Cause when that storm is comingThere ain't nothing elseThat I can do
Couplet 2
Well the flood waters risingAin't nothing gonna beLeft here no moreI said the flood waters risingAin't nothing gonna beLeft here no moreAnd when the flood waters risingYou're the only oneThat I'll be looking forSay when the flood waters risingYou're the only oneThat I'll be looking for
Couplet 3
They'll be earthquakes and lightningFamine and rumors of warThey'll be earthquakes and lightningFamine and rumors of warIn the earthquake and lightningYou're the only oneThat I'll be looking for
Couplet 4
There's a storm that's comingFlood waters risingEarthquakes and lightningEverything is fine wheneverStorm that's comingAin't nothing gonna beLeft here no more'Cause when that storm is comingYou're the only oneThat I'll be looking forSo when that storm is comingYou're the only oneThat I'll be looking for
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