Mais il aimerait être rempli. Remplissez-le avec des MultiTracks, des partitions, des abonnements et plus encore !
Les pistes de ce chant proviennent de l'enregistrement original.
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Couplet 1
Like sheep without a shepherd we were lostHelpless like an orphan with no fatherBut Jesus reconciled us by His bloodTurning strangers into sons and daughtersA love so undeservingNow we’re covered in your mercy
Behold stand in aweThere’s victory in Jesus’ nameWith every breath we give Him praiseBehold newfound graceThrough Christ alone the battle’s wonThe old has passed the new has comeBehold
Couplet 2
Now sin no longer has a hold on usDeath exchanged for everlasting freedomOur joy is made complete in Christ aloneIn Him we live and move with hope of HeavenAs sure and He is risenWe will be forever with Him
Through Christ alone the battle’s wonThe old has passed the new has comeBehold
We fix our eyes upon You LordThe One who savesLet every binding chainBe broken in Your nameWe bow before You JesusAnd we give You praiseLet all the Earth declareThe glory of the King
Behold beholdThrough Christ alone the battle’s wonThe old has passed the new has come
Behold beholdThrough Christ alone the battle’s wonThe old has passed the new has comeBehold
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