Mais il aimerait être rempli. Remplissez-le avec des MultiTracks, des partitions, des abonnements et plus encore !
Les pistes de ce chant proviennent de l'enregistrement original.
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Couplet 1
Break down the wallsPush back the darkLight of the worldMove in our hearts
There's a stirring in the SpiritHeavenSomething holy can you feel itHeaven
Let Your glory and Your powerLet Your majesty and worthFlood the earthFlood the earthLet the rumors of Your kingdomLet Your name without reserveFlood the earthFlood the earth
Couplet 2
Freedom is hereFear has to leavePain has to goDarkness retreat
Every heart here finding healingHeavenIn this moment You're revealingHeaven
Break down the wallsPush back the darkLight of the worldMove in our heartsHeaven flood the earth
Freedom is hereFear has to leavePain has to goDarkness retreatHeaven flood the earth
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