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In Here de Isaiah Roberts

In Here

Isaiah Roberts - In Here

C1Couplet 1
C2Couplet 2
C3Couplet 3
Version originale

Mix créés à partir des enregistrements originaux. Disponibles en {0} tonalités incluant un Mix Plus et un Mix Moins pour chaque partition en plus du chant original.
En savoir plus


Couplet 1

I used to hear stories about
This place where
You can be safe and
All of the things
That worry you fade away
Cause they don’t hold weight in there
I found it hard to believe
Cause how could a place
Like that be a reality
And then I found it for myself
Now I don’t wanna leave
So much better than what I was told
It ain’t nothing like


I’ve ever felt before
Try to sum it up but words escape me
All I know is I'm so in love with this place
I wanna spend every minute of my days
In here
Cause when I’m here I’m no longer afraid
And there’s a remedy for all of my pain
There’s a peace I feel
That cannot be explained
In here

Couplet 2

Doors are always open
Don’t matter if you’re broken
You can go inside
All the weight your holding
Be gone within a moment
You’re free now
Free to receive
All that you need
More than you could ask for
The serenity
Will never leave
Everything in here is pure
It’s so amazing the more
You get lost in here the more
You end up finding yourself
You can be all that you are
You don’t have to perform and
Act like you’re somebody else
No more hiding
Just let go there’s no place
You’ll be more safe then here
You can let out all your tears
Healing’s always near


Try to sum it up but words escape me
All I know is I'm so in love with this place
I wanna spend every minute of my days
In here
Cause when I’m here I’m no longer afraid
And there’s a remedy for all of my pain
There’s a love I feel
That can only be gained
In here


No problems
In here
Healing for all of your trauma
In here
No more suicidal thoughts
When you’re in here
All anxiety gotta stop
When you’re in here
No more chains
In here
All addiction must break
When you’re in here
Everything around you changes
In here in here in here

Couplet 3

I used to hear stories about
This place and
Now I have tasted
And seen that it’s good
It’s Your presence Lord


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Chant original


Mix Plus

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