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Live Répétition
Love Never Fails de Hillsong Kids

Love Never Fails

Hillsong Kids - Follow You

AbAccords en boucle
C1Couplet 1
C2Couplet 2
C2Couplet 2
AbAccords en boucle
C4Couplet 4
AbAccords en boucle
IfIntro en finale
Version originale

Mix créés à partir des enregistrements originaux. Disponibles en {0} tonalités incluant un Mix Plus et un Mix Moins pour chaque partition en plus du chant original.
En savoir plus


Couplet 1

I exit the house and I'm in no doubt
That today's another day
I'm gonna let it out
No matter where I'm from
No matter where I live
It doesn't even matter that I'm still a kid
I'm an itty bitty freckle
On a great big earth
But there's something much bigger
That gives me worth
More than money
More than things
Or a vault full of gold
Consider me an auction already sold
To the man with a beard
No not him
I'm talking about the one
Who paid for my sin
So don't hold me down
You can't even try
I'm living for Jesus so watch me fly

Couplet 2

The playground is where
I spent some of my time
And there are those who tend to whine
So you know Jesus
They say to me
I say yo
Let me tell you something for free
It was His love that made me see the light
And set me free from pickin this fight
So I'm standing up not being weak
I'm gonna turn the other cheek
I'm not worried about
What others are thinkin
My eyes are on Jesus
And I can't stop singin
Hey Mister what's this song about
Love never fails


Love never fails
Love never fails
Love never fails
Love never fails

Couplet 2

The truth of the word
Boils down to one thing
That God is love and love is the king
Love your neighbor
Love yourself
Love your enemy
Woah just a minute
Now let me see
Did Jesus really say
We should all love those
Who hurt our feelings
And step on our toes
Yes absolutely it's a well known fact
We should even give them
The shirt off our back
The extra mile that you go for a friend
Should also be the mile that you spend
With the people in your life
God placed there
To see his love replaced there


Love never fails
Love never fails
Love never fails
Love never fails

Couplet 4

So the end of this rhyme
Is to simply correct
The picture of love that you get
From TV's to movies and video
It's not all romantic and mushy you know
Loving the world is easy to say
But trying to live it out loud every day
Is a full time job 24/7
But that's the only way to bring to heaven
To earth and let his will be done
And speaking of done I'm finished


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