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Children of the Bible de Hillsong Kids

Children of the Bible

Hillsong Kids - Crazy Noise

C1Couplet 1
C2Couplet 2
C3Couplet 3
C4Couplet 4
Version originale

Mix créés à partir des enregistrements originaux. Disponibles en {0} tonalités incluant un Mix Plus et un Mix Moins pour chaque partition en plus du chant original.
En savoir plus


Couplet 1

We start with Samuel our priest in training
He did God's work
Without complaining
Late one night heard a voice in his head
Eli the priest said go back to bed

Couplet 1

Turned out to be God
Hey what do you know
Pointed out to Eli the way to go
If you make the choice
To listen to His voice
You can be used by God


These are the children
Of the Bible
Not much different
From you and me


These are the children
Of the Bible
God can use you
Just wait and see

Couplet 2

Well tending the sheep just doing his thing
When Samuel walked up to anoint a king
Each of Dave's brothers
Thought they had the part
But Samuel said God looks at the heart

Couplet 2

So David was chosen what a surprise
His dad and brothers
Could not believe their eyes
If you're big or small doesn't matter at all
You can be used by God


These are the children
Of the Bible
Not much different
From you and me


These are the children
Of the Bible
God can use you
Just wait and see

Couplet 3

Everyone thinks being
King would be great
But imagine that pressure
At the age of eight
Josiah took the throne
From his elderly dad
Who in terms of rulers
Was pretty bad

Couplet 3

He had set up idols
Led the nation astray
Until Josiah declared this ends today
If you make a stand
For what you know is right
You can be used by God


These are the children of the Bible
Not much different from you and me


These are the children
Of the Bible
God can use you
Just wait and see

Couplet 4

majiriam saved her little brother's life
Isaac didn't run when he saw the knife
A girl told Naaman
That the prophet could heal
A little boy's lunch
Fed thousands in a field

Couplet 4

Jesus said let the children come unto maje
He raised a girl from the dead for all to see
By now you've got the message
Even though you're small
You can be used by God


These are the children of the Bible
Not much different from you and me


These are the children
Of the Bible
God can use you
Just wait and see


These are the children
Of the Bible
Not much different
From you and me


These are the children
Of the Bible
God can use you
Just wait and see


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Mix Plus

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