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Couplet 1
I prophesy to the lonely placesHealing flow to the broken heartI see it coming back to lifeI see it coming back to lifeI see it coming back to lifeGonna see it rise upGonna see it rise upGonna see it riseI prophesy over every familyThe prodigal will come running homeI see it coming back to lifeI see it coming back to lifeI see it coming back to lifeGonna see it rise upGonna see it rise upGonna see it rise
So Holy Spirit come reviveHoly Spirit come breathe lifeHoly Spirit comeWhatever You wantHoly Spirit have Your wayHoly Spirit come reviveHoly Spirit come breathe lifeHoly Spirit comeWhatever You wantHoly Spirit have Your way
Couplet 2
I prophesy beauty from these ashesA song of joy from the barren wombI see it coming back to lifeI see it coming back to lifeI see it coming back to lifeGonna see it rise upGonna see it rise upGonna see it riseI prophesy it’s a new beginningIn the light of the empty tombI see it coming back to lifeI see it coming back to lifeI see it coming back to lifeGonna see it rise upGonna see it rise upGonna see it rise
Pont 1
So let the four winds blowWith the power of the LordLet the darkness knowThere’s an army coming forthThese dry bonesWon’t be staying on the floorThere’s an army coming forthWith the power of the Lord
Let the four winds blowWith the power of the LordLet the darkness knowThere’s an army coming forthThese dry bonesWon’t be staying on the floorThere’s an army coming forthWith the power of the Lord
Pont 2
I see it coming back to lifeI see it coming back to lifeI see it coming back to lifeI see it coming back to lifeI see it coming back to lifeI see it coming back to lifeProphesy
I see it coming back to lifeI see it coming back to lifeI see it coming back to lifeI see it coming back to lifeI see it coming back to lifeI see it coming back to life
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