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To You de Maverick City Music

To You

Maverick City Music - Maverick City, Vol. 3 Pt. 2

C1Couplet 1
C2Couplet 2
C3Couplet 3
C4Couplet 4
P1Pont 1
AbAccords en boucle
RmRefrain modifié
RmRefrain modifié
P2Pont 2
AbAccords en boucle
Version originale

Mix créés à partir des enregistrements originaux. Disponibles en {0} tonalités incluant un Mix Plus et un Mix Moins pour chaque partition en plus du chant original.
En savoir plus


Couplet 1

Beneath the surface
And what my eyes have seen
Past the temporary
I hear You beckoning

Couplet 2

To fall a little deeper
Further than I've ever known
I'm breaking through the boxes
I'm running to Your throne


And I'm coming back to You ooh
I'm coming back to You ooh
I'm coming back to You ooh
I'm coming back to You ooh

Couplet 3

What’s every other option
When I know the sweeter choice
My flesh may be a beggar
But my spirit knows Your voice

Couplet 4

I won’t be satisfied
With temporary pleasures
I wanna taste and see in full
What I’ve only known in measures


And I'm coming back to You ooh
I'm coming back to You ooh
I'm coming back to You ooh
I'm coming back to You ooh


All the way all the way
All the way back

Pont 1

I hear the song You’re singing
Crying out run child run
Father I am returning
I’ll stay where I belong


And I'm coming back to You ooh
I'm coming back to You ooh
I'm coming back to You ooh
I'm coming back to You ooh


I'm not just coming but I'm running
And I don't have to run the whole way
'Cause You meet me halfway


I'm not just coming but I'm running
You don't make me come the whole way

Refrain modifié

Here I come running running
Here I come running running
Here I come running running
And I won't look back
No I won't look back


And I'm coming back to You ooh
I'm coming back to You ooh
I'm coming back to You ooh
I'm coming back to You ooh

Refrain modifié

Here I come running running
Here I come running running
Here I come running running
And I won't look back
No I won't look back

Refrain modifié

Here He comes running running
Here He comes running running
Here He comes running running
And He won’t look back
No He wont look back


Oh I've come to my senses
Let go of offenses
And You come running
You come running back to me


Oh I've come to my senses
Let go of offenses
And You come running running
While I am running running

Pont 2

Oh I come to my senses
Let go of offenses
And You come running running
While I come running running

Pont 2

Oh I come to my senses
I let go of offenses
You come running running
While I'm running running

Pont 2

I come to my senses
I let go of offenses
You come running running
While I'm running running

Accords en boucle

And You're running running
While I'm running running
You come running running
While I'm running running

Accords en boucle

You come running running
While I'm running running
You come running running
While I'm running running

Accords en boucle

You come running running
While I'm running running
You come running running


And I'm coming back to You ooh
I'm coming back to You ooh
I'm coming back to You ooh
I'm coming back to You ooh


I'm not just coming
But I'm running
You're not just coming
But You're running
To my rescue


You're not just coming
But You're running
When You see
Your son or daughter in pain
In stress and frustration
Lacking in joy
You're not just coming
But You're running


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