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Worth Staying For de Jason Gray

Worth Staying For

Jason Gray - Land of the Living

C1Couplet 1
PRPré Refrain 1
R1Refrain 1
ArAccords de retour
C2Couplet 2
PRPré Refrain 2
R2Refrain 2
ArAccords de retour
P1Pont 1
P2Pont 2
C3Couplet 3
ReRefrain 3
IfIntro en finale
Version originale

Mix créés à partir des enregistrements originaux. Disponibles en {0} tonalités incluant un Mix Plus et un Mix Moins pour chaque partition en plus du chant original.
En savoir plus


Couplet 1

I spoke without a stutter
Through the middle of first grade
Until my little world came apart
When I overheard my father saying
That he just couldn’t stay
And my speech broke
The same day as my heart

Pré Refrain 1

They wondered if I did it
For attention
But I think I couldn’t get
The question out

Refrain 1

Wasn’t I worth staying for
Wasn’t I worth staying for
More than 45 years later
I still see him at the door
Wasn’t I worth staying for

Couplet 2

We were married up in Washington
Where the Winter felt like Spring
And our love seemed
As endless as that sky
So how could we know the cold
That other winters would bring
Or the million ways
Our promises could die

Pré Refrain 2

But I guess that I’m still haunted
By the question
Now that there are no more papers
Left to sign

Refrain 2

Wasn’t I worth staying for
Wasn’t I worth staying for
Time could’ve made us feel like
We weren’t strangers anymore
Wasn’t I worth staying for

Pont 1

I know pain will be transmitted
If it doesn’t get transformed
Though it’s not what I intended
I did other people harm

Pont 2

And each time that I tried to love
I returned to the scene of the crime
I did my own share of leaving
Leaving a trail of wreckage behind


And I hated myself
I hated myself for it

Couplet 3

A week ago I couldn’t sleep
I was drowning in my shame
If I could’ve ended it I would
But in the middle of that darkness
Somehow I knew God came
And stayed with me
Until I understood

Refrain 3

Wasn’t I worth staying for
Wasn’t I worth staying for
I carry it in my body
Like it’s shrapnel from a war
And the only way to heal
That kind of wound
Is to trust the love I'm hearing
In the kind voice of the Lord
Saying I'm worth staying for

Intro en finale

Worth staying for
Worth staying for


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Mix Plus

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