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Awestruck Revival de Gable Price and Friends

Awestruck Revival

Gable Price and Friends - Fractioned Heart

C1Couplet 1
PRPré Refrain 1
R1Refrain 1
R2Refrain 2
ArAccords de retour
C2Couplet 2
PRPré Refrain 2
R1Refrain 1
R2Refrain 2
R1Refrain 1
R2Refrain 2
Version originale

Mix créés à partir des enregistrements originaux. Disponibles en {0} tonalités incluant un Mix Plus et un Mix Moins pour chaque partition en plus du chant original.
En savoir plus


Couplet 1

Crucifix in my left hand
I've been drowning out
My old man

Pré Refrain 1

I caught a glimpse
From my wide eyes
Eternity by the shoreside
I've been thinking
From the 'finite
When the finer things
In life are with You

Refrain 1

Grinning like a child
Soaking in the sun
Running in a circle
Like I'm happy and young

Refrain 2

Awestruck revival
Ain't no youthful hearts fray
If your soul is on fire
Don't doubt it will stay

Couplet 2

You are respiring
You're filling my lungs
And I'm starstruck
Because your pockets
Are full of the dust
That we come from

Pré Refrain 2

I've been searching
For some sunlight
In the middle
Of the summer time
I've been thinking
From the 'finite
When the finer things
In life are with you

Refrain 1

Grinning like a child
Soaking in the sun
Running in a circle
Like I'm happy and young

Refrain 2

Awestruck revival
Ain't no youthful hearts fray
If your soul is on fire
Don't doubt it will stay


I've been dreaming of falling asleep
While I'm speaking
In tongues to a progressive beat
I can't wait for the promised land
Standing on a beach
With my friends
And my foes
And the sand in my feet

Refrain 1

Grinning like a child
Awestruck revival
Ain't no youthful hearts fray
If your soul is on fire
Don't doubt it will stay

Refrain 2

Awestruck revival
Ain't no youthful hearts fray
If your soul is on fire
Don't doubt it will stay


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