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Gallows de North Palm Worship


North Palm Worship - Gallows

C1Couplet 1
PrPré refrain
R1Refrain 1
C2Couplet 2
PrPré refrain
R1Refrain 1
R2Refrain 2
P1Pont 1
P2Pont 2
AbAccords en boucle
R1Refrain 1
R2Refrain 2
Version originale

Mix créés à partir des enregistrements originaux. Disponibles en {0} tonalités incluant un Mix Plus et un Mix Moins pour chaque partition en plus du chant original.
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Couplet 1

Fear tried to sell me lies
Telling me I’m hopeless
Doubt tried to rob me blind
Make me feel unchosen
Grace came when the rope
Was getting too tight
Saved me like a miracle at midnight
He gave misery it’s eviction notice

Pré refrain

When the devil tries to kill my faith
I’ll look ‘em in the eyes and say

Refrain 1

Hey hey my debt has been paid
Purchased by the blood
Can’t put me in chains
Hey hey I’m living unscathed
The devil’s only trophy is an empty grave


Fear won’t keep me in the shadows
Death won’t walk me to the gallows

Couplet 2

Sin can’t keep me down
When I’ve got redemption
Shame can’t keep me out of the resurrection
My faith is the kind
That fights the good fight
His grace is the kind
That makes the wrongs right
His love is the key
That unlocked my freedom

Pré refrain

When the devil tries to kill my faith
I’ll look ‘em in the eyes and say

Refrain 1

Hey hey my debt has been paid
Purchased by the blood
Can’t put me in chains
Hey hey I’m living unscathed
The devil’s only trophy is an empty grave

Refrain 2

Hey hey I’m chosen I’m saved
Brand new life and a brand new name
Hey hey I’m living unscathed
The devil’s only trophy is an empty grave


Fear won’t keep me in the shadows
Death won’t walk me to the gallows

Pont 1

Death can’t hold me down
The grave can’t keep me bound
Depression you can’t have me now
Cause I’ve got this freedom

Pont 2

Death can’t hold me down
The grave can’t keep me bound
Depression you can’t have me now
Can’t have me now
Cause I belong to Jesus

Refrain 1

Hey hey my debt has been paid
Purchased by the blood
Can’t put me in chains
Hey hey I’m living unscathed
The devil’s only trophy is an empty grave

Refrain 2

Hey hey I’m chosen I’m saved
Brand new life and a brand new name
Hey hey I’m living unscathed
The devil’s only trophy is an empty grave


Fear won’t keep me in the shadows
Death won’t walk me to the gallows


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