Mais il aimerait être rempli. Remplissez-le avec des MultiTracks, des partitions, des abonnements et plus encore !
Les pistes de ce chant proviennent de l'enregistrement original.
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Couplet 1
I know that You’ll come throughBecause You already did itYes I know that You’re faithfulWhen reading what has been written
Pré Refrain 1
Grace on endless graceMy rock and my RedeemerNo other will I praise but Jesus’s name
All that I have all that I giveAll that I am is already HisMy heart’s celebrating the grave it is vacantI will worship I will worshipWith all that I haveAll that I giveAll that I am is already HisMy heart’s celebrating the grave it is vacantI will worshipI will worship You
Couplet 2
Come hell or high waterI know He’ll walk me through itLike David and GoliathHis victory’s been proven
Pré Refrain 2
I'll never be the sameThere’s nothing that I fear nowNo other will I praise but Jesus’s name
All that I have all that I giveAll that I am is already HisMy heart’s celebrating the grave it is vacantI will worship I will worshipWith all that I haveAnd all that I giveAll that I am is already HisMy heart’s celebrating the grave it is vacantI will worshipI will worship You
Pont 1
Here nowI lay it all at Your feetHow beautiful is it that I’ve foundFaith when I cannot see
Pont 2
Here nowDeath fear anxiety bow downWhen in Your presence there’s no doubtYou’re still not done with me
All that I have all that I giveAll that I am is already HisMy heart’s celebrating the grave it is vacantI will worship I will worship
With all that I haveAll that I giveAll that I am is already HisMy heart’sI will worshipI will worship You
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